Sunday, August 17, 2008

Haul of the Day

Transformers Movie

Finally, was able to hunt down this piece at Comics Connections, at the island wide discounted price of S$16.90.

Batman The Dark Knight

With a tip off from SGCollect, I made a call in the morning to TRU United Squares and luckily there were still some left on the shelves. When I collected in the afternoon, none was there, but still have Batman Begins Batman and Scarecrow.
Even though the price for this Movie Masters line is ridiculously high at S$39.90, Joker is still being snapped up.

Star Wars

Got this sometime back from Carrefour, but kept it in the office. But later all department stores are also selling at the discounted price of S$29.90. I guess it was to clear the 30th Anniversary crap before the Clone Wars crap start to flood the shelves.

Indian Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Looks like clearance is the new trend these days with department stores. Months after the movie has completed its run, all Indy 4 merchandise are on clearance.
This is still going for S$15.
The likeness of Harrison Ford is way off, but the horse looks nice.


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

There's so many toys you bought in a month. Wondering where you find so much space to keep them?

neoconvoy said...

actually i don't have much room is quite full, and spilling into the living room...but then again, if i pack them properly (= better space management), i would have more space to spare...haha...

but ultimately i need to get a place for my toys, i mean, of my own...