Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Haul from eBay

It's been so long since I bid on eBay, since I could get most of the stuff locally, either via the toy shops or the flea market. But I had been on the look out for this Skrull set from the Fantastic Four Classics line since it was released a few years back.

I was always either outbid or missed the closing due to different time zones. And most of the time, the auctions were for each figure, and none for the whole set. I finally found an auction, by luck, from a Hong Kong seller. Was a bit hesitant due to the number of black sheep that were giving HK sellers a bad reputation. I emailed the seller and they were quite friendly. I stakeout the auction, and the rest was history.


cosmicbaby said...

great score!

neoconvoy said...

keke...thanks !